Vivarium Works Online Shop 
     Welcome to the Vivarium Works Online Store. At this time all orders are processed through PayPal. Everything is made to order and will take 1-4 weeks to produce. For orders, send me an email with the rock or background names, colors, and hollow/filled. All custom orders require initial payment upfront, with shipping cost determined on a per-order basis. I have done my best to find the least expensive means to ship all orders, but many are around $15 with background casts costing more depending on size.
Replica Rock Casts
These replica rocks have been produced by a multi step process spanning multiple days. First a rock is selected and a rubber mold is made from it. Next that mold is cleaned up and detailed and casted into it a semi-flexible custom designed material. From there the replica is removed from the mold, cleaned up, and sent out.

Along the way color additives are added to the casted material that bind at the chemical level to produce the color. No paints are used as all casts come out looking the way you see them

All of these materials have been used in the vivarium, reptile, and aquarium trade for decades with no ill effects on the animals and plants living along side them. The foam and resin I use are derivatives of the “Great Stuff” expandable polyurethane foam and “Gorilla Glue”, both of which are commonly used in this hobby. Aside from this I have used these exact materials with no ill effects for a number of years and stand by them.
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Drop In Backgrounds
These replica rock backgrounds have been produced by the same multi step process as the individual replica rocks. Most of these are designed to fit into a specific size aquarium, however they might need a little cutting/shaving to get past your aquarium's top plastic trim.

 It is to be expected that some amount of material will be needed to fill in the gaps between the glass and the background wall. This can be accomplished by using any one of a variety of materials. Silicone, foam, and cement are all commonly used for this purpose.

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